Syntax: @ODBCexecSQL Connection_Handle, Command [, error_flag]

This command sends an SQL command to a database that you have connected to via 'ODBC'.

Connection Handle: This is the Connection handle returned from a previous use of the @ODBCconnect command.

Command: This is any valid SQL statement to be executed.

Error Flag: An optional numeric variable name can be included, which will return zero for successful execution and non zero otherwise.


@ODBCexecSQL ConnectionNo,'SELECT * FROM "Main_Table"'

@ODBCexecSQL DBhandle,'SELECT "Age" FROM "Main_Table" WHERE "Name" = '''+SelectedName+''''

In this example SelectedName is a variable.

A handy way of developing the correct syntax for your own SQL statements is by creating a Query in Microsoft Access and viewing the resulting SQL command (View - SQL). The Access SQL is a slightly different dialect to ODBC SQL, but in the main all you need to do is change the use of any double quote character to a single quote character in the resulting statement.

For information on SQL commands, refer to the documentation provided with your SQL system.